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rules [2024/04/11 17:54]
administrator created
rules [2024/04/11 20:31] (current)
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-====== Rules ======+====== Rule manager ====== 
 +Rule manager is the component responsible for creating and editing conditional automation rules. \\ 
 +Conditional automation rule is a set of conditions that must be met for certain actions or processes to be triggered. \\ 
 +In order for the rule to be valid all conditions must be met. \\ 
 +You can combine and modify the conditions as you like. \\ 
 +You can assign rules to pair #1,#2 and #3 in intra-exchange arbitrage scanners as well as an accumulation rules to each individual currency in the bank monitor. 
 +Currently supported conditions: 
 +  * Relative Strength Index 
 +  * Exponential Moving Average 
 +  * Bollinger Bands 
 +  * Candle Pattern Match 
 +  * Daily Volume 
 +  * Change 
 +  * Bank Gain 
 +  * Always True 
 +Rule consists of the following properties: 
 +  * Rule name – you can choose a name that will help you easily identify the rule purpose. 
 +  * Last triggered – time in UTC when the rule was last triggered. 
 +  * Trigger timeout – minutes before the rule can be triggered again, 0 if it can be triggered anytime. 
 +  * Collection of conditions that you can add, modify or remove. 