From the activity history page you can inspect the triangular arbitrage events history for each of your available scanners.
You will find a list of all your scanners, sorted by type (intra/inter).
By clicking “Open” you will be redirected to the arbitrage events history for the selected scanner.
You have various tools for filtering your events and exporting them to different file formats.
By clicking “← Back” button (#1) you will be returned to your previous page.
By clicking the cloud button (#2) you can export all events or filtered one to different file formats.
Currently supported formats: XLS (Excel), JSON, CSV and TXT (text file).
By clicking on the “Refresh” button (#3) you will get the up to date events list.
At the right corner you can see your scanner name (#4).
By clicking button #5 at the table header, you can add/remove different columns.
By clicking on the magnifying glass button (#6), labeled “Event Details” you will be redirected to the specified event details page.